Stephen Halkett: Save the Planet Kids Show

Stand Comedy Club Glasgow

Saturday 16th March 2024

Show time: 2:00pm

Glaswegian comic and science teacher Stephen Halkett is your host for a fun filled interactive show on how to save our beautiful planet.

You see, the thing is, our Earth needs rescuing from this global warming ‘thingy’. We need to cut out those smelly greenhouse gases and we need your help!

There will be games, jokes and laughter along the way and possibly the odd ‘bottom burp’ sound! Oh, and there will be prizes!

Come along and together we will Save the Planet!!

‘Had my son totally engaged and excited throughout; wholeheartedly recommend for kids big and small.’ Stacey (Mum)

Age suitability- This show is best suited for 5–12-year-olds. Sorry, no under 5’s and all young comedy fans must be accompanied by an adult.

About the show:

Age Suitability: 5+

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