Matt Black, Kieran Lochore and Mike Hendry: Escape The Bothy
“Matt Black, Kieran Lochore, and Mike Hendry are 3 highland based stand-up comedians coming to the GICF to showcase what highland comedy is all about.
Regulars at The Comedy Bothy – Inverness’s premier comedy club – These three comedians have completely different styles of comedy and shows the variety of acts you can get in the Highlands,
Matt Black’s observational style and stories about being a dad, husband, and son to an Irish parent is something most people will connect with.
Kieran Lochore uses traditional stand-up comedy mixed with his impressive guitar playing to provide a unique show you won’t see anywhere else.
Mike Hendry has a fantastic and bizzare take on the world. Making you see everything in a new and hilarious way.”