Lockdown Smackdown

Gilchrist Postgraduate Club

You’ve heard of Taskmaster, now get ready for Mask….taster! In 2020, Eliott Simpson gave 5 comedians absurd and challenging tasks during Lockdown. They were asked to complete each task under a strict time limit and to film their progress as evidence. Such compelling challenges ranged from crafting the best home-made COVID mask, to creating an entire new religion!

Now, after 4 years of procrastination, the time has finally come to bring all 5 comedians together in one room, sit them on stools, watch their filmed attempts back and decide once and for all, who was smart, cunning and disturbed enough to win the crown and earn themselves the luxurious prize of a Sainsbury’s Meal Deal!

This is Lockdown Smackdown! A ridiculous multi-media gameshow featuring scenes of filmed idiocy and Live improv games! Starring Eliott Simpson, Craig Wilson, Declan McGuigan, Roisin Caird, Freddie Hayes, Christopher KC and Kate Hammer!

About the show:

Age Suitability: 18yrs+

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