Fearghas Kelly: McWhooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooools! (WIP)

A multimedia mix of stand-up and sketches from the two-time BBC New Comedy Award shortlistee, Glasgow’s best pub hosts Glasgow’s 28th best comedian! It’s McWhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooools, baby!
Last year, Fearghas birthed his Edinburgh Fringe show, ‘Tip of the Ice-Fearg’, right here at GICF. The show went on to receive audience acclaim with at least seven people calling it “a real joy,” “proper Scottish comedy” and “hilarious and ever so slightly weird.”
This year, Fearghas doesn’t know what he’s going to do or what this is going to be, but would like you to buy a ticket anyway.
Deadline News
“Slick…a knack for reacting to the news cycle”
The Scotsman
“Emerging talent”
Beyond the Joke