Songs in the Key of Glasgow

Armed with infamous Glasgow banter and some shortbread her mum made, join Scotland’s own tartan tearaway as she attempts to stitch together the ramblings of an unapologetic Glaswegian into something which resembles a show.
Gird yer sporran and raise a dram to deep frying your favourite chocolate bar, Glasgow kisses and growing up with a 5’2″-and-shrinking granny who’d fight the devil, win, then offer him a cuppa tea for his troubles.
Songs in the key of Glasgow is at heart a comic guide on how survive when your best friend is diagnosed with Alzheimers, half of the profit from this show will be donated to Alzheimer’s Scotland, now and always.
“A big personality. She filled the room making everyone feel connected and included. She had us laughing with her & at her while she entertained us with beautiful costumes, song, dance & stories” ★★★★ Fringefeed, 2023